a Valentine's Day giveaway!


What are you guys doing for Valentine's Day? We usually do something exciting like file our taxes and go to bed early (joke, but we actually really do enjoy TurboTaxing together!). Tonight we're gonna get takeout after the kids go to bed and watch a movie (our taxes are already done :) ). We usually don't spend much time or money on this holiday, but this year I felt like we could use a little spark and suggested to Eric that we do gifts. I got an Instax Mini camera that I've been wanting for a while! I can't wait to use it. Eric asked for a shoe care shine kit and a Stranger Things coffee mug. Haha, so romantic!

And, I have a gift for you! I'm working with Mainstream Boutique to give away a $50 gift card to their store! Which is where I got the top and jeans I'm wearing in this post.


shirt: POL c/o Mainstream Boutique ($49)
jeans: Mac and Me c/o Mainstream Boutique ($68)
cardigan: H&M
necklace: Gap
boots: Crown Vintage via DSW

The jeans caught my eye when Michelle (boutique owner) posted them on the Waukee Mainstream Boutique - VIP Facebook group. I had been wanting to try the ripped knee trend that is coming back in style. I love that they are just simple knee slits, and they disappear when I stand up straight. Sometimes holey jeans can hit me in the wrong spot and basically just allow my leg chub to ooze out the holes (real attractive, huh?). But these are great. Sooooo stretchy in all directions, and I never have to pull them up. I even went bowling in these and had no issues whatsoever (did I ever tell you about the time I split my pants while bowling? It was a work event, too! So embarrassing!)


So I took some PTO one evening to go try them on. While in the store, this shirt caught my eye and it was instant love, especially after I felt how soft it is. Purple/mauve is my favorite color, and the exposed zippers on the sides add the perfect touch of edginess.


I don't get to pop into Mainstream as often as I'd like (#kids), which is why I love being a part of the Facebook group. Michelle posts pictures of new arrivals and other style ideas, and you can even comment for them to hold your size for you or get in touch with her to place an order.

Every time I'm able to visit the store, I'm so impressed with all the new stuff! I can never get in and out within an hour. It's too much fun trying everything on and dancing around in the dressing room (which you may have seen on my Instagram Stories...).


Now for the giveaway! One of you will win a $50 gift card/store credit to Mainstream Boutique Waukee (they ship anywhere in the U.S., by the way)! Enter below!