Web Gems // 13
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Once again, I'm bringing you my favorite links from around the interwebs this week.
- A sweet, sweet letter from a blogger and her husband who lost their baby on his due date. RIP Mordecai Max.
- Let me blow your mind regarding retirement savings.
- Having a loved one with cancer can be overwhelming and you're not sure how to help. I really liked this chemo care package idea.
- Erin's letters to her daughter, Bee, are the BEST.
- A lot of fashion bloggers have the Madewell sweatshirt dress, and I see Gap now has a look-a-like dress for less.
- These kids' Halloween costumes are so great.
- My friend Becky wrote and illustrated a book about why it's great to be short. Even though I'm tall (5'10"), I love her stories!
This week, over on my other blog:
- A letter to my husband on our seventh wedding anniversary
- Why it's good to spend time away from the kids