Web Gems // 14
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Rooney's outfit details (taking a quick break from her 20x20 to share this pic I found from a while back):
- Necklace: Amber Artisans
- Dress: Target (a sweet gift from Linda - she added the flowers!)
- Shoes: Minnetonka
Once again, I'm bringing you my favorite links from around the interwebs this week.
- Do you blog using Wordpress? If so, the Wordpress Editorial Calendar plugin has been life-changing for us.
- File this under things that will blow your mind: Cooking in your dishwasher (!!!)
- Have you heard of the app called My Talking Pet? We don't have pets, but my friend made a few videos of her dog and they are F-UN-NY (pronounce that last word like Mel B on America's Got Talent for full effect).
- How cute are these strawberry socks for kids?
- Have you seen the Ron Burgundy commercials for Dodge? Hilarious!
And, this week on my other blog:
- Setting a financial goal can help you stick to a budget (part 3 in a series)