Web Gems // 29
- My most popular Instagram from the past week
- Get a Costco membership for just $55! (deal expires 2/9/14)
- Cookie Dough OREOs, get in my mouth. Has anyone tried these yet?
- Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted
- I have a friend who recently experienced a miscarriage, and I found this helpful: 36 things to do for those in grief
- I love a good movie trailer
- This changed my opinion on selfies
- Aren't these the cutest footie pajamas ever? We love Baby Deedee sleep sacks, too.
- I love reading natural birth stories. Kathleen had her baby boy, Fox, at home a few weeks ago.
- A neurosurgeon is diagnosed with cancer and asks: How long have I got left?
- To wives: Before you were "mommy"
- As seen on TV (we were on the news!)
- Rooney's art is now available for iPad and iPhone backgrounds
- Rooney is 23 months old!
- Parenting after midnight (AKA we're tired!)