What Will Baby Be?
We're hoping to find out what we're having at the end of October! We are just too eager to wait until birth day. I actually really love that we were surprised when we found out we were pregnant, will be surprised halfway through (20 weeks) to find out what we're having, and surprised at the end to find out when baby will come and what he or she will look like.
I don't really believe in any of these superstitions, but I read a similar post on one of my favorite pregnancy blogs and thought it would be fun to see which of them end up being right for us. Don't forget to cast your vote at the bottom of this post!
Time of conception: BOY >> We think we conceived on the same day I ovulated, and apparently boys swim faster than the girls.
Cravings: BOY >> I've been craving salty snacks (pickles!) rather than sweets, which is totally unlike me.
Dreams: EITHER (I've had two dreams for each) >> Before we shared the news, I was having lots of crazy dreams. Twice I've dreamt that baby is a girl, and twice that it's a boy. I also had a dream that it was twin girls like my sister, but we're pretty sure that's not possible.
Morning sickness severity: BOY >> Although I did my share of complaining, I know most people have it way worse than I did. And, I never once felt nauseous.
Placenta position: GIRL >> Around week six, I believe the placenta was on the left side because that is where most of my cramping was. Apparently this means it's a girl.
Mathematical formula: GIRL >> This doesn't even make sense, but apparently if you add your age (2 + 7) to your due date month (3) to your conception month (6) and it's even, you're having a girl. An odd number means boy.
Chinese Gender Predictor: BOY >> Based on the charts on The Bump and Baby Center.
Heart rate: GIRL >> At our 10-week ultrasound, the heart beat was clocked at 173 bpm. It was 153 bpm at our 14-week appointment. The myth is that a heart rate over 140 bpm indicates a girl.
High or low: BOY >> My little bump is really low. Which I'm sure has more to do with my body type than anything else.
Ring test: GIRL >> Have you ever seen this done? You tie a 14k wedding ring to a string of floss and dangle it over the bump (I was laying on the floor). After a few seconds it will either start to swing in a straight line (boy) or a circle (girl). Our co-worker Zach has a 80% success rate. He did it twice with different rings and it said girl both times.
Mayan table: GIRL >> Similar to the Chinese Gender Predictor, you just plug in your age and conception month.
So that's 5 girl to 5 boy. We have to just wait five more weeks until the ultrasound!
Gut feeling: GIRL >> Mostly because of the visions and dreams I've had, I think it's a girl. But, that could definitely be because my sister has three girls so most of my baby experience is with girls. (I really hope we get to experience both at some point--I want a girl because I love being a girl and I want a boy so he can grow up to be a gentleman.)