wish list

it’s that time of year when i come down from my birthday high of having extra money to spend on clothes and wait patiently excitedly for Christmas.

please do not misunderstand me.

i love love love the reason for the season. i would rather give a gift than receive a gift at Christmas. honestly. receiving gifts is not one of my love languages. i’ll receive a few gifts this Christmas and it will be great and appreciated, but nothing extravagant (from an american standpoint). the mall will not throw up on our living room (as i once heard it said). we’ll exchange thought-out gifts filled with love. and i love that about my family. (…plus, any money ric and i receive this Christmas is going toward a new camera.)

that said, i do like clothes and this blog would not exist if i didn’t. as i shop for gifts for others, i’m bound to see items i’d like to add to my own closet. here are few of those things, all under $60 (click to buy):