17 weeks

when: monday, oct. 3, 2011
what i wore:
scarf: handmade, gift
sweater: h&m
jeggings: american eagle
boots: thrifted unisa, gift
- this week i got asked are you sure you’re not having twins? really? i feel like i am on track with my growth and, based on my parents’ scale, i’ve only gained two pounds.
- my appetite has picked up quite a bit…i’m never afraid to jump first in line when grabbing dinner or for going back for seconds…both of which i never used to do!
- last weekend i saw my nana for the first time since we announced our pregnancy. it was so fun to see her rub my belly with a huge smile on her face! this will be their fifth great-grandchild and i love the fact that her and my grandpa are able to experience the next generation of the wonderful family they created.
- i’m constantly torn between thinking i can’t wait till our baby is here! and the baby will be here soon enough…live in the NOW and enjoy these last months as a family of two…
- but it’s hard because i’ve got high baby fever. seeing my cousin’s 3-week-old son last weekend at his shower and playing with my 7-month-old niece made me want one of my own so bad. and there were so many cute little kids at church that i leaned over to eric and said, “i want one of those little people!” he assured me that it won’t be long till our babe is here.

***photos by the very sweet and talented heidi of {captured by} heidi. she has a baby bump of her own and her little boy will be arriving next month!