my next purchase: a winter coat
my birthday present from eric is a coupon to pick out a winter coat (up to $60):
i like the one i’ve been wearing for the past few years (from a yellowstone national park gift shop, worn here), but it’s getting so dirty and thin. this time i want a longer one that goes past my hips, and it must be WARM for the low temps we get in iowa. bonus points if it also fits over my belly…
so i looked around and i think this parka from h&m is the one! i actually couldn’t find any others in our price range that i liked. i could, of course, chip in some of my other birthday money to pay for a more expensive coat, but i don’t really see the point since i like this one. i showed it to eric and i don’t think he loves it. what do you think?
» i’m pretty set on it, and crossing my fingers that h&m has it in stock when we go to minneapolis next month…