29 things I'm grateful for in February

  1. Winning an Instagram giveaway
  2. A chance to ask my grandpa (who just turned 86) important life questions
  3. The Daddy Daughter Dance
  4. When both kids are asleep by 8:00 pm
  5. Door silencers - we have them on all our bedrooms now!
  6. A date with Rooney to Disney Live
  7. Finding free downtown parking
  8. A fun Super Bowl party
  9. Finally pulling the trigger on a pair of shoes I've wanted for years
  10. A monthly queso date with friends
  11. A sizable tax refund
  12. New carpet in our living room
  13. Dollar Tree (cheap birthday party supplies!)
  14. Gummy worms
  15. Fuller House
  16. A date with Eric to see Star Wars
  17. Our church community
  18. Crewneck sweatshirts
  19. Online grocery shopping
  20. Feeling like our family is complete with two kids
  21. Mornings when I can get the kids out the door by myself without feeling overwhelmed
  22. Cleansing conditioner (I have this brand)
  23. Staying within budget on baby supplies this month
  24. A four-hour play date
  25. Super Sticky Post-Its
  26. Snake plants
  27. Hy-vee Drugstore
  28. Breastfeeding
  29. The song "King of My Heart" by John Mark McMillan and Sarah McMillan
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