29 things I'm grateful for in February
- Winning an Instagram giveaway
- A chance to ask my grandpa (who just turned 86) important life questions
- The Daddy Daughter Dance
- When both kids are asleep by 8:00 pm
- Door silencers - we have them on all our bedrooms now!
- A date with Rooney to Disney Live
- Finding free downtown parking
- A fun Super Bowl party
- Finally pulling the trigger on a pair of shoes I've wanted for years
- A monthly queso date with friends
- A sizable tax refund
- New carpet in our living room
- Dollar Tree (cheap birthday party supplies!)
- Gummy worms
- Fuller House
- A date with Eric to see Star Wars
- Our church community
- Crewneck sweatshirts
- Online grocery shopping
- Feeling like our family is complete with two kids
- Mornings when I can get the kids out the door by myself without feeling overwhelmed
- Cleansing conditioner (I have this brand)
- Staying within budget on baby supplies this month
- A four-hour play date
- Super Sticky Post-Its
- Snake plants
- Hy-vee Drugstore
- Breastfeeding
- The song "King of My Heart" by John Mark McMillan and Sarah McMillan