31 things I'm grateful for in January

  1. These cute photos of me and my kids by Hello Charlie!
  2. The return of Downton Abbey (anyone else watching?!)
  3. A great deal on side tables for our basement
  4. Rooney's knock-knock jokes that don't make any sense
  5. One-on-one time with Rooney (even if it is just running errands)
  6. A one-hour massage
  7. Headphones
  8. Lauren Daigle
  9. Nose bulb suckers (pro tip from the doc: point it back, not up)
  10. Getting doors hung in the basement...slowly but surely, it will get done!
  11. Finch taking to sleep training quite well and learning how to fall asleep on his own
  12. A much-needed haircut
  13. Restaurant coupons
  14. A babysitter that Rooney actually looked forward to having!
  15. A date night with Eric to Winter Jam
  16. An Anthropologie store just 10 minutes from my house!
  17. Progress on night weaning and an entire week of good sleep
  18. Elevate app for brain games
  19. Avocados (I eat one every day for lunch!)
  20. 100 Grand candy bars
  21. Watching Rooney try to ice skate
  22. Camp Patton blogging again!
  23. A date with my sister
  24. A husband who rushes to my side and rubs my back as I get sick
  25. Our video monitor
  26. Big smiles from Finch after a nursing session
  27. When Rooney plays independently for 15 minutes
  28. When Finch plays with my face while nursing
  29. Intentional kisses from Finch
  30. A good, long hug that says more than words
  31. A 50-degree day in January!