30 Things I'm Grateful for in June
Psst- I noticed that some of you post your grateful lists each month, too! I've added a link-up to the bottom of this post so I can easily check out your posts. Please share them with us!
- A mother-in-law who can sew! I picked out fabrics and she made the doll above using a pattern.
- My grandparents who let us stay at their second home for free.
- Treats from co-workers.
- A full week of vacation with my family.
- Vintage v-neck T-shirts from Old Navy.
- A kid with a high pain tolerance.
- A mother-in-law who buys us groceries.
- Parents who want to see us and come visit.
- Free breakfast at work.
- The free chair I picked up from work.
- Caesar salad.
- Hand-me-downs from Hayley.
- Watermelon Laffy Taffy.
- Pothos plants.
- Cuddling with Eric at 6:30 am on a lazy Sunday morning.
- The way social media brings about opportunities and brings people together.
- A Verizon discount through my employer.
- Great customer service by Aden + Anais.
- Chipotle.
- More confidence in my daily mothering.
- Answered prayers about a specific thing I asked for.
- Grace when I miss a writing deadline.
- The opportunity to give someone a surprise gift.
- Organic and gluten-free toddler snacks.
- After Bite.
- A husband who can play the guitar.
- Safe sunscreen for my kid (we've used Honest and BabyGanics, I like them both).
- Praying with my family before bed each night.
- The hugs Rooney gives right before she goes to bed.
- Norwex cleaning supplies.