Okoboji Vacation 2013
We spent last week in Okoboji - our favorite vacation spot! I spent a lot of time there in the summers while growing up, so I have a ton of memories attached to it. It's also where Eric and I got married. We plan to spend at least one week there every summer in hopes of giving Rooney many memories of her own of this special place!
My Top 10 of Okoboji Vacation 2013:
10. Rooney slept like a champ! Unlike last year, when she was breaking out of her swaddle, this year she slept 13-14 hours a night. We let her stay up til 8:00-ish since we were having so much fun, which means my morning wake time wasn't until 9:00 am most days. (Sleeping in is my idea of a good vacation.)
9. Watching Rooney ride the kiddie rides at the local amusement park, Arnold's Park.
8. Gourmet chocolate toffee from Goodies.
7. Watermelon Laffy Taffys from The Sugar Shack in the Central Emporium.
6. Dinner with my friends Emily and Megan at one of my new favorite restaurants, Bracco.
5. The mini insane taco and sopapillas from Mrs. Lady's.
4. The cornbread muffin at Hey Good Cookies. Their cookies are amazing, too.
3. Getting pulled over by the DNR in the boat ;) It's just so classic for my family and gave us a good laugh. Thankfully, we didn't get a ticket (our registration was expired without our knowledge) and were still allowed to proceed to dinner outside at The Ritz, where there was a DJ playing fun tunes.
2. Sitting on the deck every afternoon, enjoying the PERFECT weather.
1. Seeing Rooney have so much fun with my family, especially her cousins!
Okoboji in iPhone Photos:
Find us on Instagram! @kelseywilliams + @wordsofwilliams
The Cafe - Ames, Iowa
'Til next year!