31 things i’m grateful for in December
When Eric tells me I can go to Target and he’ll put both kids to bed (#hero)
Crockpot liners
No cavities for Finch
Taylor Swift’s “folklore” on Disney+
Women’s pro soccer team coming back to Kansas City
LEGO Advent Calendar
Eric passing the CFP® exam and officially earning his certification
Our 2021 family meeting
Package drop-off at Target
Rooney going back to in-person school after 16 days online
Repaired friendships
Sugar cookie decorating kit
Completing a long fast
COVID-19 vaccines
Hearing a familiar voice
Learning a new game
Family Christmas Zoom
The excitement of Christmas morning
When something ends up being more fun than I think it will be
Playing Minecraft Dungeons with Finch and finding all the secret chests in Squid Coast
Falling snow
FanDuel Spread the Love
The end of 2020