39 weeks


jacket / Madewell (similar here and here)
T-shirt / 
Old Navy
shorts / Old Navy
flip flops / Old Navy

The waiting is strange. I know it won't last forever and I also know it's harder to have a newborn than to be 39 weeks pregnant so I am trying to soak up all the consecutive hours of sleep and opportunities to spontaneously run out the door as a family without thinking about feeding times or packing a diaper bag. We are at such a good spot with Rooney. She can dress herself! Feed herself! Go to the bathroom by herself! It took us a long time to get here, so let's just live in this amazing-ness for a few more days.

Still, we went into this wanting another child and he will come eventually, and it could be any day! I'm not sad he isn't here yet. I'm not even terribly uncomfortable. I'm just waiting... waiting... waiting... because soon, before we know it, our lives will change again, forever! Eek!

  • How far along: 39 weeks
  • What's new: I'm officially the most pregnant I've ever been! I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced at my appointment this week, and had my membranes stripped. I've also been to the chiropractor to get aligned and ready. We will do the same things again on Monday if I'm still pregnant. He has dropped really low so I hope he is ready to come on his own soon! What are your favorite natural induction methods???
  • To do this week: Have a baby ;-)
  • Baby's size: 7+ pounds
  • Total weight gain: 27.5 pounds (I actually lost a little weight this past week)
  • Baby's heart rate: 150 bpm
  • Maternity clothes: I have very little that fits me anymore...just some tees and a pair of shorts! Which really don't even fit that well anymore :/
  • Gender: Boy
  • Baby name: You will know very soon! :-)
  • Symptoms:
    • Contractions
    • Cramping
    • Drooling while sleeping
    • Back aches
    • Swelling
  • Movement: There has been a slowdown and yesterday I didn't feel him for most of the day, which freaked me out. He is most active around 9:00 pm.
  • Sleep: I am sleeping pretty good! Getting probably 7ish hours a night, so I can't complain. 
  • What I miss: Shirts that are long enough to cover my belly
  • Cravings: Jelly Belly Sours, caramels
  • Mommy thoughts: I am still nervous for labor but know it has to take place for us to meet this boy and complete our family. I was really nervous about breastfeeding too but I've decided there's no need, so hopefully I can remain calm and unstressed about it. I was reading from Babywise this week too to refresh my memories and hope it works as well for us this time as it did with Rooney!