essential oil round-up for April
We've been using essential oils for five months and I'm still learning so many new things each month about different ways to use them. Here's what I ordered for April - some are replacement bottles for oils we've used up and a couple are new oils we haven't tried before.
Peace & Calming: This is one of my favorite smelling oils and the one I choose for sleeping (some people love Lavender for sleep but I prefer Peace & Calming). If Rooney throws a tantrum that we're not able to diffuse quickly, we run and get this and rub it all over her. If she seems riled up before bedtime, I also rub it on her shoulders and crib sheets where she lays her head. My boss has been testing this on her 3-year-old daughter for napping and has seemed to have success, so I got another bottle so I can lend it out to her.
Lavender: This is Eric's favorite for sleeping. He will rub it on his hands, face and pillow, and Rooney's crib sheets. I love it for skin issues (cuts, burns, diaper rash) as well. It's also great for allergies and although mine are somewhat nonexistent these days (I thank my weekly chiropractor visits for that), this is one oil I always want to have on hand.
Purification: I think this might be my favorite oil ever. I have had great success with healing ear and sinus infections with Purification (rubbing it along the outside of my ear, nose and cheeks). I also put a drop of it on a cotton ball in Rooney's diaper pail, and it eliminates the smell completely (I diffused it in her room after poop somehow got on her carpet, too, and the smell was gone almost immediately).
Orange: This is a new one that we haven't tried before. I hear it is great for teething kids, and Roo is working on her 2-year molars. I will put a dab of it on my finger and rub it on her gums and along her jawbone. We also put this in our diffuser with Joy and Lemon for an energy boost while cleaning our house the other day.
Idaho Blue Spruce: I think Eric might be more into oils than I am. He wanted to try this one in the diffuser for relaxing and aroma, I think.
If you're interested in learning more about essential oils or have specific questions, let me know in the comments below or via email! I really believe it is the Earth's medicine and I am so grateful to have them!
Related posts: how we use essential oils and how to order essential oils
*** I am not a doctor. I do not diagnose, prescribe or treat ailments. The suggestions of the products we use or friends have used do not replace the advice of your doctor. ***