home for the holidays

saturday, dec. 25, 2010
the look:
top: old navy
scarf: gap
belt: the limited
skirt: american apparel
tights: we love colors (turquoise)
family Christmas at my nana and grandpa’s
Christmastime at home is my favorite. and the gathering at my grandparents’ house is so fun. we graze on our favorite treats and laugh a lot. i made a cheese ball sprinkled with bacon (yum!) and especially love eating the norwegian goodies like pepperkake and kringla. we have a grab bag gift exchange and i got an infinity scarf (knitted with love by my cousin) that you’ll be seeing soon.
i brainstormed this outfit while packing for our trip and i think it translated really well into real life. i like how all the colors work together. and that tree is my absolute favorite (we all help to put it up at thanksgiving). it’s 12 feet tall so it touches the ceiling and it’s always decorated so pretty.