conversations with Rooney / 3

Conversations with Rooney, at this point, are mostly a reflection of things we say to her. It can really stop you in your tracks as a parent, making you think about the words you choose (I'm not even talking about foul language, but simply being more positive and saying "Let's use kind words" rather than "That's not nice."

Sometimes she repeats things we've said or talked about before, and we're surprised to realize that she now has the ability to remember things from previous days. Other times she says things that make us belly laugh. You just can never be sure what will come out of that cute little mouth.

When she saw I was about to take a drink of water: "Be careful! I want you to be careful, mommy."

Hands Eric and I each a quarter: "Here's some money for you, daddy. Here's some money for you, mommy."
Me: "Oh thank you, what could I buy with this?"
Rooney: "Um, pancakes!"
Eric: "What could I buy with this?"
Rooney: "Um, Sun-a-Butter!"

"Look how sky the blue is!"

While rubbing coconut oil on my arm: "Whoa, that's a big arm, mommy!"

"Good job mommy, you go potty like a big girl go potty!"

After the UPS man dropped off a package: "Pizza!"

After pointing out to her the hot air balloon flying above our neighborhood (a rare sighting): "I want it!"

Right after we pulled out of our driveway: "We're almost there!"

After a few minutes of watching Wheel of Fortune: "Hey, that's not Elmo!"

Me to Rooney when she was playing with a present I bought for her friend's birthday: "Oh, be careful! I don't want you to break it."
Rooney: "Say please!"

After I sneezed VERY loudly: "You OK???"

After kicking me under the table, and I moved my legs: "You kicking me?"

While giving a thumbs up: "Thumb ups!"

Me, talking about her fruit snack: "That's a big one!"
Rooney: "Yes, it is, isn't it?" 

After I pointed out a hole in her sleep sack: "Yeah, mommy needs to wash it again."

Talking about stoplights: "Green means fast and orange means slow."

Rooney: "I wanna go to Adah's house!"
Me: "Oh, honey, that's so nice."
Rooney: "You call her mom please?"

While walking on the sidewalk with a sucker in her hand: "My hands are full!"

P.S. More conversations with Rooney