my style muse



vest: Madewell
jumper: TJ Maxx
sandals: Target

I love reading style/lifestyle blogs because it's like shopping with friends, but you don't have to leave your couch. Maybe that sounds lazy, but it's great for me when I have a few minutes to myself during naptime. Online shopping is my jam, and style blogs are like being able to see what your friends are trying on and loving.

That's where I get most of my ideas and find things I want to buy and wear. I will usually show Eric a piece of clothing that I am thinking about buying and then he will ask, "Who has this? Sydney or Kendi?" Those girls have great style, for sure, but the answer is usually Jen. And then Linda bought this romper too! Us three have similar taste and body shape/size, so if it works on them, it usually can work on me, too. I was so glad to find this in my local store, since TJ Maxx can be hit or miss.

Who's your style muse?

P.S. Rooney's dress is a hand-me-down from Target, and her well-loved sleep sack is by Baby Deedee.