essential oil round-up for June

Photo Jun 06, 6 11 46 PM.jpg

I've been using essential oils for seven months, and each month I learn more and continue to be amazed at the benefits. I can't help but keep trying more!


NingXia Red: This is a drink (Rooney calls it her "juice") that we take 1-2 oz of each day. I personally don't love the aftertaste, but many people say they don't mind it. Rather than treating symptoms, this is a preventative method of health. It can lower blood pressure, begin the detoxification of every organ, ease seasonal allergies, alleviate depression and increase energy. Amazing!

Thieves SprayI plan to use this for sore throats and ear infections (sprayed into my mouth/throat). Other uses: cleaning (door handles, toilet seats, etc.).

Thieves Waterless Hand PurifierThis is your standard hand purifier, only it's not standard at all, because it has the power of Thieves (supports the immune system and protects you from catching illnesses). It has become Eric's new favorite hand purifier.

Clary SageI have used this already for menstrual cramps. Other uses: autism, cholesterol, abdominal cramps, easing labor pains, epilepsy, hair loss, hemorrhoids, hot flashes and PMS.

If you're interested in learning more about essential oils or have specific questions, let me know in the comments below, or send me an email! They really are as amazing as they seem.


*** I am not a doctor, I just love using essential oils. Any information or advice given is meant to help educate and inform, not diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any disease. The suggestions of the products I use do not replace the advice of your doctor. ***