kids are like gardens

Photo Jun 13, 8 47 07 AM.jpg


sweatshirt: c/o Rosie & Oliver
shorts: Target (similar)
shoes: Old Navy (similar here or here)

"They grow so fast!" Everyone says. "Time goes so fast!" And sometimes I'm like, Really??? Does it? Because I feel like I've been reading this same book for an entire hour and only two minutes have passed.

But she really has grown fast. To go from an 8-pound baby to a 30-pound toddler in two years is remarkable growth. Kids are like gardens, requiring lots of care and love and attention and patience.

The perspective that comes with two years of parenting is really great. I wish I'd had this when she was born! It gives you freedom to have more patience. Because now I realize that she won't go to bed at 5:30 pm forever (we could never make any evening plans!) and that terrible tantrum in Dillard's has to end sometime, and eventually someday she will be able to feed herself with a fork. (The verdict is still out on whether or not she'll ever give up her pacifier, though.) Life with a toddler is pretty great (especially if you ignore the fact that she thought the iPad should take a shower with me this morning...)