Web gems // 42

Hi, friends! I hope you've had a great week so far. Ours has been good (we went to the pool with Roo's cousins, and, after two very hot weeks, the A/C finally got fixed in our van!), and we have a couple of fun weekend adventures planned, too! I'm crossing my fingers the rain will stay away so we can go to a local farm and pick strawberries, as well as check out our local art festival. I'm also planning to sneak away Friday night to see The Fault in Our Stars with a friend, and Saturday night for a Favorite Things party (my favorite kind of party)!


Here are a few of my favorite things I've read online lately - I hope you enjoy!

Madewell gets it right every time. I love my new shorts (I got both colors!), and I currently want this and this. (now EXTRA 30% off sale styles using code MAKEWAVES)

To those with and without children

Three months ago we got rid of our coffee table and replaced it with poufs. This one at Target is so pretty!

How to remember people's names

Loving this new-to-me blog

I was really dreading bra shopping, but now I'm kicking myself because all this time I've been missing out on THIS (I bought one this week and I already want another one...it's seriously perfect)

Are you on Instagram? Bex is one of my favorites to follow.

Baby brain is real (Amen!)

And, my personal favorite: Girl fakes period, mom gets revenge in new ad


I'd love to read your favorite post (written by you or someone else) from this week! Leave a link in the comments!