Finch, 1 month
- Weighs 9 pounds, 7 ounces
- Wears size 1 diapers and 3-month clothing
- Eyelashes are coming in
- His eyes look like they may turn blue?!
- Is a very gassy baby (any tips?) :-(
- Likes to lay on the floor and kick
- Will occasionally take a pacifier or suck on my finger
Nicknames: Finchy, Finch Man, Mr. Finch, Dude, Duder, Deuteronomy, Finch Master Flex, Finchers, Little Man, Fincherooney
Sibling love: I love watching Rooney love him. Every day when she walks in the door after school, she says, "Mom! Where's baby Finchy?" I will definitely write a post about going from one to two kids though, because it's been quite an adjustment for her.
Parenting: Our hands and hearts are full. Our family is complete! We are super happy, but I've gotta be honest - it's been rough at times. We are not a well-rested family right now, which makes everyone irritable. We are very eager to get some sleep soon!
Nursing: We're still going! Which means I've officially made it longer than I did with Rooney. He eats 8-12 times a day: every 2 hours during the day and every 2-4 hours at night, with clusterfeeding in the evening. I could write an entire post about how I feel about's complicated. I am very thankful it's working and I do enjoy it for the most part but I have definitely thought about quitting. Formula/bottle feeding is our "known" and right now I'm craving anything that feels normal. It would also allow someone else to feed him and give me a little break or a chance to spend more time with Rooney. Not to mention I'd like to wear a dress in this summer heat! But I know that breastfeeding saves our family time and money and that it will get better as he grows and can go longer between feeds. I went to a breastfeeding support group this week and was happy to see that he is gaining weight well and got 3.5 oz from me during the feeding. We have been fine-tuning his latch which is helping with my soreness.
Always nursing!
Sleeping: We are still bed-sharing. It works well with nursing and I actually get decent sleep. During the day he makes us work pretty hard to get him to nap...only to have Rooney wake him up most of the time. :/
The first month with a newborn is a wonderful, terrible time ... I'm looking forward to seeing some baby smiles soon!