Finch, 16 months
- Weight: 26 lbs 8.5 oz (90%)
- Height: 31.5" (55%)
- Head: 18" (18%)
- Clothing size: 18 months
- Shoe size: 6
- Diaper size: 4
- Teeth: 10
- Dentist appointment
- Rowan Chicken BBQ
- Trip to Center Grove Orchard
- Grandma coming to babysit for two nights
^ I love the way he runs with his shoulders, and the face plant at the end :-)
- Going up and down stairs
- Being outside
- Books
- Hot dogs
- His belly button
- Vacuuming
- The park
- Playing in the basement
- Not getting/being able to communicate what he wants
Finch is just nursing once a day now, in the morning. Overall I am very surprised by how little he asks for it throughout the day. It was his favorite thing but now he goes to bed without nursing and it's no big deal, even if I'm the one putting him to bed! I partly want to keep up my supply for times of sickness, teething, etc., and the other part of my wants to be done. I think we've kept the morning one just because it's the easiest thing to do when he first wakes up and is cranky (rather than make him breakfast, etc.), especially because Rooney is usually still asleep and I don't want him to wake her.
- He takes 1-2 naps (1.5-2.5 hours total)
- Bedtime: 5:00-6:30 pm (depends on his nap)
- Wake-up time: 5:30-7:00 am
It has been such a relief for me to know that someone else can put him to bed! Very freeing!
- Got Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (luckily a very mild case!)
- Had his 15-month check-up
- Went to the dentist for his first exam
Finch is a very social guy - he likes to tell stories and tries to say many words. He also tries to make a puppy sound when he sees a dog!
- Hi
- Eye
- Book
- Ball
- Daddy
- Water
- Cracker
- Turtle
- Bubble
- Uh oh
- No no no no no
- A-boo (peek-a-boo)
- More
- Please
- Bye
- Forward-facing him in car (not sure when we will do this)
- Halloween costumes!
Gosh, this boy is so FUN! The way he runs, smiles, laughs, kisses and hugs on a daily basis. He is not shy. He does not hold back. He is a giver. So daring and brave. I love him so much!