31 things I’m grateful for in August
Sunset boat ride
Eric’s sister’s wedding — on a boat!
Bacon cheese fries
Cooler temps
“It Ends With Us” movie night with friends!
USWNT Olympic gold medalists!!!
Finch getting to drive Miss Chievious
Trick shots
The Frozen Parrot ice cream bars
When Shaboozy comes on the radio
Car detailing
Back-to-school clothes shopping with Rooney
Boating to dinner
Date night at the Iowa State Fair
Teacher letters
A morning walk
Vyvanse — and finding a pharmacy that had the generic version in stock
Our first Hawkeye football game as a family (even though I’m not a Hawkeye fan)
Abercrombie & Fitch store coming to our mall
Sand bars
Spare Time school supply drive
First day of school excitement
Three hours by myself at the mall
Finch in his football uniform
Ilona Maher
Cousin day at Adventureland
The Iowa Wave
Casey’s pepperoni pizza