31 things I’m grateful for in March
Keeping a grateful list was even more important this month as school was canceled, Eric and I are working from home, and Finch’s daycare closed to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Wild times! We are enjoying a lot of family time, but at times I have felt trapped. These are scary times, for sure—but there are still so many things to be grateful for:
Secondhand Tevas for Rooney
Root beer
A kid-free weekend to celebrate Eric’s birthday
Marco Polo app
No-contact food takeout & delivery
Our home office
That I like the people I live with
That we were able to celebrate Rooney’s and Eric’s birthdays before being quarantined
The return of the Dixie Chicks
Brain Games on Disney+
Best Fiends app
Healthy family and friends
The ability to work from home
Eric fixing the dryer
Teach Your Monster to Read app
When the VPN works
Securing a Walmart grocery pickup
Saving money on fuel
Finch relearning how to ride his bike
Virtual trivia with our friends Tommy and Missy
Playing memory as a family
A six-mile family bike ride