our weekend

Photo Jun 02, 10 21 22 PM.png

We had one of those really good, slow weekends. You know the ones? We went to the farmers' market on Saturday morning, enjoying crepes and cinnamon rolls and people-watching and live music. Rooney fell asleep in the van on the way home, which is never a good thing. We tried to transfer her to her crib when we got home, but it was a no-go. So we spent nap time outside in the sun together washing the van and playing in the water table (speaking Eric's love language of quality time).

Photo May 31, 8 46 00 PM.jpg

After everyone was bathed, I was getting ready for church and Eric and Rooney were watching a show. I came out to this:

Photo Jun 02, 10 21 32 PM.png

How precious is that? My favorite part is the sunflower seed butter jar in Eric's hand :-)

Surprisingly, we made it to church on time. It is our favorite to go on Saturday night if we don't have anything else going on. We ate dinner at church and then watched a movie after Rooney went to bed. It was such a fun, full day. We went to bed thinking "What are we going to do tomorrow?" We seriously had nothing on the list.

Sunday morning, we went to the grocery store, ate donuts, made cookies from scratch, ate peaches, took naps, played with the water table again, watered the garden, and honored Roo's request for "Pizza! Pizza!"

There were tantrums along the way (by all of us), of course, but I just feel so darn lucky to be raising my family in this wonderful city. Hope you had a great weekend wherever you are as well.