Rooney, 23 Months


Rooney, 23 Months

  • Gives knuckles
  • Loves brushing her teeth (AKA sucking the water off her toothbrush)
  • Has never had a time out (there was one time I thought about it for a half second, but she shaped up)
  • Tried to kiss the only boy at her day care (again)
  • Ate my deodorant and lip balm
  • Is obsessed with all her cousins
  • Loves candy hearts (I ate so many when she was in the womb, it makes sense)
  • Loves to help with chores (and is legitimately helpful when unloading the dishwasher)
  • Says please and thank you with nearly every phrase
  • Tasted her first Oreo
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  • Clothing size:2T-4T
  • Shoe size:7-8
  • Diaper size:4


Roo’s favorite foods right now:

  • Queso
  • Strawberries
  • Scrambled eggs with salsa
  • Sausage links
  • Yogurt
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Bananas
  • Popcorn
  • GoGo SqueeZ organic (she can pound three of them and still ask for more)
  • Water
  • Whatever mommy is eating ;)
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  • Loves to draw and color and play with stickers
  • Takes care of her babies and stuffed animals
  • Counting: She can count 1-2-4-5-6 (no 3) and 4-5-6-7-8-9-10. I beam from ear to ear when I hear her counting. It just amazes me! Once she gets the number 3, she'll be set!
  • Alphabet: She calls them the ABCDEFGs. It's so cute. She gets a lot of the rest of the letter sequences right, too.
  • Singing: I love when she sings! It doesn't happen often, so we stop and listen when she does.Her favorite songs are "I Just Wanna Be a Sheep," "Twinkle Twinkle," "Itsy Bitsy" and "Happy Birthday." I think she is gonna FLIP OUT when we all sing The Birthday Song to her next month.
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I'd say her vocabulary is 50% understandable to a stranger. Eric and I understand most of it, although as she adds in new words we find ourselves with a confused look on our face (which makes me feel terrible).

Here are a few of my favorite things she says right now:

  • Silly Sally
  • Kitty cat
  • Mommy I carry you
  • I text daddy
  • You comin'?
  • Caca o (coconut oil)
  • So big
  • Adah
  • A-sen Ay-yah (her twin cousins Maysen and Myah)
  • Bless you (she even says this to herself after she coughs)


  • Rooney had her second trip to the dentist this month. She did great but did cry toward the end. They said everything looks good and is coming in as it should!
  • She has had a cold for about 10 days now. She coughs and sneezes and has a runny nose. It is such a bummer! Last week it turned into croup, which was scary (Eric wrote a separate post about that for Friday).
  • I noticed a couple weeks ago that a small mole has appeared on her leg. I have lots of moles, but didn't expect to see one on her quite this early.
  • Her hair looks like a mullet! We are not quite sure what to do about that.
  • I ordered a little potty and potty ring seat from Zulily last week. I also got her a couple pairs of underwear. I am not sure any of us are ready yet, but I want to be somewhat prepared once she shows more interest in potty training.
  • We have used a lot of essential oils to support her immune system during her cold.
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  • We bathe her twice a week. She really likes baths now!
  • She often has dry, red cheeks from the cold weather (coconut oil works wonders on it).
  • Teeth: 16. Doesn't she look so old with a mouth full of teeth?


  • Bedtime:6:30 pm
  • Night sleep: 10.5-12.5 hours
  • Wake time: 6:45-7:30 am
  • Nap:45 minutes – 3 hours (usually 1.5 hours)

Sleep has still been good. We are trying to push her nap time back to 1:00 pm and her bedtime back to 6:45, so we'll see how that goes this next month.

She has fought her nap time a couple times. Here's a funny video I took a few weeks ago:

[tentblogger-vimeo 84740875]


I'm telling ya, The Happiest Toddler on the Block works wonders for us. I am so, so thankful we watched it.

Not too long ago, Eric and I decided we need to get more pictures with Rooney, and I'm happy to say that we've made good on that promise:

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Golden birthday party, here we come!

Roo’s Monthly Updates

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